Idle Wild

" I left her in the dark, she fell apart from a broken heart "

When the dreams transpired into kisses and misses
And the texts turned into calls
Panic arose
Poison leaking from a rose
I trusted her
I lusted her
But I mustered her
Muffled her heart while admiring her soul
She sold me everything
But I woke up never
Better but clever
It was never a game
Maybe it was shame
Tongue tied
And empty
Bc I could give absolutely nothing
I had everything .. But strength
Could this have been avoided we both wouldn't be burdened
She's over it, she says but I know her soul, bc I took her soul
Hypothetically speaking its always hers
But as I dismissed her heart, I never told her, it was her soul that I loved
That I fell so deeply in love with
In a short amount of time
What she wanted for me, I took from her, unwillingly
And unintentionally
But that was only my admiration for the womb(an)ly frame
I wanted to please her with my tongue
I wanted to taste her rum
Cold hearted bc my soul never departed
Lost my spirit within her pain to help me
Her paint to console me
It's over.
I feel bad
But what more could I cover
I ended up hurting myself by walking away

Fear is stronger than love they say
I think ..
I believe them...
For her


  1. Ewwww.Weeeeee Evie. You did the dayum thing. Love this!!!

  2. This is…………I don't even know what to say. I've missed your emotional depth so much. I love this.

  3. i cry every time i hear your voice in this poem...


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