
I've loved, and felt powerless. With you, I am powerful. 

There's so much in time, we try to decipher every line, but nothing seems to rhyme unless we fine tune it with drive.
Not everything needs a motive, or ample reasons. 
Love doesn't choose seasons.
It chooses you and how you project your truth.
Knows who exactly to share it with and who you're most comfortable feeling it with.
All it asks, is that you are unafraid. 
That you love unconditionally, empathetic and melodically.
With your whole heart and being. 

And then I, met you. 
How could I explain such force. 

How could I ever put this into words? 
Seems so wrong to beam broad dreams on the unseen,
Such tragedy has caused this generations catastrophes & 

And here I am with you.

The strand of the revolution.

The end of my self pollution. 

The beginning of my intrusion. 

My sufferings solution. 

I'm conscious of this love fest
Let the blinds manifest
Let fear disappear, I am here. With you.

Never known such joy of my own wholesome deploy
I am wrapped in you.

I love your face, your eyes, your lips, your skin, your touch,
Everything God intended to make, with you there are no mistakes. 
This is my greatest love song,
I've wrote so many wrongs...
I've never belonged until I owned myself
Showed my heart it's developed wealth
No more stagnant stealth 
Here I am. With you. 

I knew from when I saw you, my attitude was nude.
I felt myself , empty, ready to take you and your truth. 
You steady me like libra scales.
Suffocate me with kiss and tales. 
Make the woman in me so grown.
Set me on fire like satan's home.

I hope you know this isn't a poem,


  1. The passion in this piece...... speaks volumes in little words.
    And here I am with you.

    The strand of the revolution.

    The end of my self pollution.

    The beginning of my intrusion.

    My sufferings solution. " #LoveandInk <3


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