Love And Water

& vicariously through you I see truth.
Intimate and inadequate 
Money hungry 
No liver 
All quiver 

Everything I see in you, I see in me
Maybe I'm scared to rise 
Maybe I'm scared to fly too
Maybe I'm scared to reveal me to you 
As u are ; to truth and circumstance 
Don't you wanna hold my hand ?
I write the most beautiful things when I feel my heart flutter at the thought of u

I feel my most beautiful when I see your face.
Maybe you are really my reflection and the universe is my saving grace 
Everything about your skin, makes me feel 
Makes me feel so deep 

 Please don't touch me if you're not ready
Please don't say my name 
Don't call me when you're lonely 
Don't show me anything 

Your teeth feel like warm bread against me with each stroke I let go
What will you wash me down with? 

Many options
You make me clairvoyant 
You make me beg for it
You make me feel
You make me feel so real

I bless the day you were born 

I like to dream.
I like to seem as I am.
With that, only, am I at peace 
Also at peace when your mouth creases to smile at me 

Id rather be empathetic 
So in love it's pathetic 

Come what may 
Don't u feel so special 
You're like fresh money any time u hug me
Everything (time you) u love me 

Or maybe I'm dreaming 

Love shouldn't be unrequited 
It can't be
It's impossible 
You are the source. 

U want some water?
I'll make anything for you
But I know now I might be a slave to truth 

What do I really see?
What do I really fall for?
What am I feeling ? 
Are you there? 

I can smell you
I can read you 
You can't lie.

I choose peace 

I haven't a clue where the wedge is 
Whose more beautiful? 
Who has it? 
What am I missing that I see in you? 

When lost moments hit like boulders 
And everything seems elusive 
U can run to me
I will comfort you 
I can only love, you. 

Don't be obsessed with what ifs
Don't ever question where I want to go
And who I want to do.
Everything in our path is aligned 
It has to be right 

You'll always be baptized in my divinity 
Til infinity 

You are Love & Water.
We are Love & Water. 
Life must be our daughter.

I want a love so strong like a child's purity 
So strong we won't even know the meaning of insecurity 

Love & water
We'll never be thirsty or hungry 
Latch onto me, freely.
I am your love & water 
So serene like a queen dream 
I am everything I seem.

I don't need to understand you when your beauty speaks for itself

My yoni your portal
Your dick my saber 
Your lips my savior 
Your hands my comfort 
Your eyes, my soul.
My soul. 


We are like love & water.
Forever flowing.


  1. Ok I think I have found some words Evie. lol
    First this piece has a hard beauty, a solemn plea for love to be returned and nurtured. This is by far one of your most soul-touching pieces. Just when I think I've fallen as far as the depths will go, you write this and I fall a little deeper in love with your unique voice. Always love you baby girl. <3 #LoveandInk #BecausePoetry


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