More Love More Water

He had an ambiance that I can only relate to elegance 
His mind so full of openness 
With each breath I could feel his path and see it seeping through his teeth
Through each breath I could smell his divinity 
His spirt so good 
I'm wondering about his wood but would that make it should?
Should I?
Should I go there? 
Not there but everywhere 
Should I go there? Not here but over there with him
His world seems so magickal 
Full of life and intense with emotions, like he has water potions that he washes down with wavelike motions in the currents of oceans 
You are so beautiful 
Don't you see
You are so beautiful, and you'd be magnificent beside me. 
You are so beautiful like fresh green tress.
You are so beautiful 
To me. 
Do you see what I did?
You might be my rib 
I might have your kid 
This might be it
Our everything is so magnificent 
Our everything is no coincidence 
Our everything is it. 
Our everything is lit. 
Love and water make us the shit. 


  1. EVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is LIT!!!! Like where he at, becuz if he don't know he's it, then dayum he missed it!!! I love this.
    "Full of life and intense with emotions, like he has water potions that he washes down with wavelike motions in the currents of oceans" BARZ baby. I love you!!!!

    #LoveandInk #LoveandWater

  2. Beautiful floetry & it's wavy. 🌸


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