The 12th dimension:
Gold ray of Universal Consciousness is inaugurated by being a Full Universal Being – Universal level of consciousness is achieved.  You have returned to Source and are in Unity Consciousness with the physical form of your Local Universe.


Soulmates are sweeter than forgiveness

When they reconnect, they reflect all of loves answers into the ocean of God

swim with me 

Capturing my soul in ways that I do not know
Your heartbeat is the love song I've been waiting to hear, because it beautifully rhymes with my tongues vibration.
I have been waiting for something like this
To feel something like this, that no world can ever define 
Or even fathom with the human eye, heart, soul or mind
Everything falls into place as we rise in our empty 
Everything shines as we glow underneath the sun 
And so much shame peels itself from our skin that we become naked, fully clothed in god's grace,
Painted by times gold 
Painted by the beautiful beings that made us one 

The angels rejoice when we kiss
The connection is a reflection of our dimension 
Our own dimension 
Our dimension. 
And shall I mention that this tension is a reflection of the naked world not being ready for what we bring 
Shall I mention that the world is not ready, apprehensive and blind to the nothingness that we share bc it is so rare
Shall I mention love? 

Love would be an understatement 
You are my mirror.
My reflection.
The seasoning of life's joy
This is the seed to the tree of life and the water to help it grow
This is the beauty of god's soul spilling into the atmosphere, creating waves that would shatter this low vibrational pull we forcibly push onto humans 

This is the reverse 
This is the answer 
This is Khaled's key 
This is martins dream 
This is god's plea
To be one, mock suns, moons and trees 
This is all that is and all that will ever be.

This is all that is and all that will ever be ; between you and me. 


INDIVIDUAL consciousness to
GROUP consciousness to
COMMUNITY consciousness to
NATIONAL consciousness to
COLLECTIVE consciousness to
PLANETARY consciousness to
GALACTIC consciousness


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