Able Bodied


"She is perfect.
Able bodied.
Feather weight.

Maybe she wants to shake the earth back to its original form.
Why would u care or dare for the norm?

The flavor is in her kiss.
The universe in her palm. 
The magick, in her eyes. 

She wants to be recreated.
She wants to be elevated.

Dance with her skin and share her with the sun.
Hold her like a newborn. 
She desires the taste of your teachings.
This is now.

Are u scared yet? 
I told u I get wet

Sometimes she doesn't like her reflection bc ur the demon always staring back at her
Sometimes she needs you to be 
the light

Sometimes she needs the light from the depths of your soul to understand her misunderstandings

A smile ; the reassurance that her love is safe with you

Your love is always safe with a goddess
When u return to love it is a celebration of your being and the gods rejoice at their creation"


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