
I'm sorry I'm not who you thought I was
I've conformed, hurt people, and judged
As if I'm this big God, right
Doing whatever I want with you as if I'm godlike
Showing you new ways of pain as if I'm dynamite
Stepping on your heart not knowing it was a landmine
But Ive learned my lesson one thousand times
Until I got it right
So where I am now is not where you are
You're thinking of me as the picture you painted
But that is your work of art and not my reality
I don't even know if I'm the same from the beginning of this poem
I'm just telling you I know Who I am
Just because you don't like that I've changed doesn't mean I'm the same
I'm better I always get better
New flowers new powers
New hours
To do.
Who you want me to be is not my magnitude
Who I've remained to you is not the truth
And I'm sorry you live back there
I don't know where your where is
And you wear the past so well
You've Created new hells
New bells to ring when you refuse to sing and release our tune
That's personal and not probable.
 Probably profitable to the probability of perished peripherals 
Solely sold through souls with holes and no goals
Garnered graces granted from gashed gold
Holding onto mold
This is old.
Bury it.
Bury me with your empty pleas of please be with me 
Bury me of your tarnished teases tainted by dead trees 
Bury me with your address like moving day
Bury me and burn me and let the ashes fly away


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