In My Own Words


TP: What is an Artist?

An artist is someone who isn't afraid of judgement. They are one with themselves, past present and future. They create understanding without speaking.

TP: What are your passions?

Funny, I do not believe in "passion". What I will say is that I LOVE to dance, I LOVE to write. 

TP: What are your favorite styles of poetry? What are your favorite styles to write in?

I do not have favorites. I like freestyle poetry. 
TP: Who are your favorite poets and have they influenced you? how?

Maya Angelou. She is such a beautiful human being in and out. And in and out she has taught me to be beautiful, no matter the circumstance. 

TP: When did you start writing?

I started writing from a dark place, home life. When I was in 1st grade. 

TP: Where are you from?

Born in Queens, raised in Brooklyn, everywhere now.

TP: Why do you write?

To find meaning and understanding within my life, because speaking/talking is too simple and I love challenges. 

TP: What inspires you?

Everything inspires me, especially the sun. If it can shine everyday, so can I. 

TP: Have you discovered what is unique in your voice as a poet?

No, no I have not. That is why I continue to grow in not knowing.


  1. Love your answers!! You have a new follower in me, here and on Twitter!! PoeticLuv!


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